My Brother’s Keeper International (MBK)
Service Provider Contract Agreement

My Brother’s Keeper International (MBK) Service Provider Screening and Vetting Questions:

[Insert in the website definition of AfRaKan. Throughout this website, you’ll notice we reference Afrika as AfRaKan in the interest of Kujichagulia, which is Swahili for naming ourselves for ourselves. The Ra represents the Sun from which all life share the same elements. We are Sun people. Ka represents the life force, the soul.

Please answer all questions as honestly as possible:

6. We value the anti-Black male misandry work of Dr. T. Hasan Johnson, who has established the Institute for Black Male Studies and the Onyx Report. He is known as The Black Male Advocate. And we also value the work of Dr. Tommy J Curry, who established the first Black Male Studies program in the University of Edinborough in the United Kingdom and the author of “Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood.”